
5 Road ( Sanya station to bus station )

alignments: Sanya Train Station, Yu Sau Road, Yuxin Road, Phoenix Road, Jinjiling Road, East Road, Pro Spring Rd, new wind , Jiefang Road, Guangming Road, Victory Road.

line via site: Sanya Railway Station, Hainan University, City military supply station,mac brushes, a city in Jinjiling community, City Intermediate Court, the city's Armed Forces Department, City and Quarantine Bureau, the Municipal Party, on River Primary School Sichuan veteran cadres on regions and municipalities V,mac makeup, the City Department of Transportation, the city government, business buildings, bus terminal.

26 Road (to Sanya Phoenix Island Resort Narada)

delivery capacity: 6

alignments: Phoenix Island, Sanya Bay Road, Sanya Resort Narada .

line via site: Phoenix Islands, the new wind blocks, unity blocks, good luck blocks, sea on Plaza, 425 hospitals, water, blue sky, green sea garden district, Xing seafood restaurants, beautiful new coastal area, Rich King Resort, Sanya Resort, the National Optical Coastal Garden, Huayuan Resort, Blue Ocean Silver Beach Resort, Armed nursing homes, Holiday Inn Sanya Bay, Wan Jia Daisi hotel, Asia-Pacific International Conference Centre, The Wealth of the Gulf mansion, Sanya Narada Resort.

27 Road (Phoenix Airport to Yalong Bay)

delivery capacity: 12

alignments: Phoenix Airport, Haihong Road, Sanya Bay Road, Welcome Road, Hai Yu East, Yalong Bay Yalong Bay Road to import.

line via site: Phoenix airport, the sea on square, Kelantan district, Ji Yang School, Yalong Bay Underwater World.

28 Road (Yulin market to Wuzhizhou)

delivery capacity: 14

line via site: Yulin market, network technology village, Lu Middle School, Olympic Shooting center, red sand school, ring earth village, Yu Hung village, red Hom Village,vibram 5 fingers, City National School, Ji Yang market, Wushi Village, Beijing Run Pearl Hall, the Bay Railway Station, Shaw Middle School, conch girl park, the military broke Village Liao Village on the junction Fingers junction, Zao village, Begonia Bay, Wuzhizhou.

29 Road (Bay Station to Bay)

delivery capacity: 29 (not yet opened)

alignments: Yalong Bay Railway Station, Ji Yang Road, Yang Zhen Ji dial, sea-Yu Line, Yalong Bay Yalong Bay Road to the import and export.

line via site: Yalong Bay Railway Station, Beijing Run Pearl Hall, Wu Shek Village, Ji Yang Market, City National School, Ji Yang School, On Tour junctions, junction Yalong Bay, Yalong Bay.

30 Road (Railway Station to Sanya Sanya Railway Station)

delivery capacity: 10 (not yet opened)

alignments: Sanya Train Station, Yu Sau Road, Yu New Road, Phoenix Road, East Road,mac makeup wholesale, Jinjiling Road, Sanya Bay Road, Haihong Road, Phoenix Road, Yuxin Road, Yuk Sau Road, Sanya Railway Station.

line via site: Sanya Railway Station, Vista world, Sanya Bay Mangrove Hotel, Phoenix, Watertown, Jinjiling bridge, Friendship Station, Silver Sea Hotel, Green Sea rural area, Lung Hing Seafood Restaurant, Beautiful new coastal community, King Rich Resort, Sanya Resort, the National Optical Coastal Garden, Park junction, Sanya Bay Park, South Island junction, the market town of Phoenix, Phoenix Town, wholesale markets, access to the sea Mountain View, betel nut village, Taihe Garden, Alex Garden, Sanya Railway Station.

