
Oupo checked other online shopping for the fake cosmetics on the Heibang Aupres_ Oupo

    You are here> brand family> Oupo Aupres Oupo checked other online shopping cosmetics area for the fake pictures on the Heibang Oupo Forum [2008-10-15 15:34:19] Recommended reading: think living Yan combination of charm Oupo Peeling Mask New Listing
    Oupo pure Cream, counter is pink, the online sale of counterfeit goods is yellow; CD's Hex makeup series,mac makeup, has expired ... ... 27, the reporter found a popular online


    Wang consumers spend 90 to buy a bottle online 50 grams of pure Oupo Cream,vibram 5 fingers, when she took the pure online buy Oupo Cream,blackhawks jerseys, to the building Oupo Ganjiakou counter, counter lady opened the package, told Wang that this is fake. Oupo the authentic only in the counter to buy. SALESWOMAN Wang also took out to buy a bottle of genuine and to do comparison, The 'pure Cream' these two words is too small, genuine price is 190 yuan, so you this bottle is definitely fake. / p>
    site responsible for counterfeit goods sold

    experts advise consumers when shopping online to be careful, to look for a regular online shop, select those high credit shops. But the network can not avoid the risk, so consumers in the choice of online shopping, when to recognize the stakes. Lawyers said, the site for sellers to sell fake goods to the consumer caused the loss, should be jointly and severally liable. Reporter Shuzhi Juan

    part of the popular online shopping fake cosmetics blacklist

    1,mac brushes, Lancome Photographic Eye
    < p>
    2, M. A. C Box Powder

    3, CD Hex makeup series

    4, Dior nectar Series Box

    5, Chanel four-color eye shadow

    6, Shiseido new series Lipstick Color Charm

    7, Sekkisei Lotion (24ml)

    8, Dior creamy liquid foundation (15g)

    9, Clinique liquid foundation of truth (15ml)

    10, Estee Lauder Idealist Yan essence (15ml)

    < / p>

    more information, please see Oupo Brand Zone>>>
    extended reading: Shiseido weight per building sits granted beautician beauty tips < br> [Page 1] [2]
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