
33 sets of large war melodrama

    Qilu News Network 2 June 33 episode of war melodrama Army prisoners of war, reorganized into the PLA soldiers, but he just ran away, care deeply about. Even if our army of enthusiastic instructors Guo Bingnan held a field for his wedding, Longyan red still in the wedding night the bride million Shufen to dying, need to rescue the grounds overnight escape. While on the run on the road, red and liberated the people of Longyan contact the PLA and the people of Yushui Qing Yi moved to make the decision to become a PLA soldier. When the KMT spies Zhumao Lin Chong draw Longyan, Longyan red with his Xuyuweishe, and Guo Bingnan together, destroyed Zhu Maolin One head of the assassination plan, although Zhu Maolin escape, but also really red Longyan become a member of the PLA me. Only a hurried retreat, Wan Shu-fen this missing.
    higher Chong Guo Bingnan Longyan special awards will be to compile a
    knife team accepted their first task: Seven Mile Hill arsenal to win. Longyan arsenal defenders rushed to the use and storage real acquaintance platoon leader Li, Li Long position incite defection. But the two sub-stance, almost Rush, instigation failure. Guo Bingnan arranged arsenal to win the first action, but the explosives failed, V Army knife team even been besieged, heavy damage. Longyan punch dagger with Guo Bingnan team uncovered collusion with the guerrillas traitor, and found a black hand behind the manufacture of all this was actually a foster parent Huzhen Fei Li warehouse implementation. Team came up with a knife against Hu Zhenfei response. Hu Zhenfei under defeat, the death in trying to break, will be a giant time bomb strapped to the door. The critical moment, Longyan red in Guo Bingnan with the assistance of a bomb in one fell swoop to lift! Hu Zhenfei commit suicide, Lee Long position completely surrender, Seven Mile Mountain arsenal is our army to take over.
    reorganized the Kuomintang after the 28 Division of the new status does not make a solid Gong Jian. People's Liberation Army knife unit decided to use red and Longyan Gong Jian relations back to the old with the new 28 Division I underground to the instigation of the work of Gong Jian. Longyan Gong Jian Chong return to make overjoyed. Longyan Gong Ziying rushed his daughter to know his wife missing, to tell him the meaning of love. For the task, Longyan red with her false marriage. Longyan rushed to secret talks with the uprising surrendered Gong Jian, Gong Jian let agreed. Seven Mile Hill arsenal but a deserter recognized Longyan red. Gong Jian bent toppled to the deputy division commander Zhang Dalong satisfied immediately end this informant in an attempt to launch an attack. Unexpectedly, discovered the same day, the informant was a showgirl biting tongue, can not testify Longyan red. Longyan shocked to see red, the rescue of his showgirl wife, Wan Shu-fen was actually lost. Longyan red rescued from Zhang Dalong Shufen million, million Shufen know the difficulties of marriage Longyan red, do not blame him, the two spend the night, in this farewell. At this point, the peak sent Steering inspections. Gong Jian agreement is defectors to fall into the hands of Zhang Dalong. Longyan red to total exchange agreement and Framed Zhang Dalong. But I never thought there could come with the supervision of the old red head Zhu Maolin Longyan. Zhu Maolin sinister means, in six steps from the traitor's statement, I caught a new 28 division leaders Ling Qidong underground. In order to cause the uprising, Ling Qidong to cover the expense of the individual Longyan Chong, Zhu Maolin with facts to refute the allegations. Zhu Maolin Zaishi deadly trap,vibram 5 fingers, delaying the starting time army, framed Gong Jian make. Zhu Maolin Longyan red spider shot. Fierce battle, Gong Ziying also died a heroic death. Gong Jian to harbor anger, thoroughly and break with the Kuomintang, the uprising surrendered.
    dagger team executed the task of escorting the families after the uprising in general, but also to steal the North Springs took over the task of prevention plans.
    red in the theft of Longyan city defense plans to escape when the wounded had no idea that actually saved by the million Shufen. Make him sad, the million Shufen has Lingjia others. Chong did not expect the same to Longyan is actually pursuing his Kuomintang officer's sworn brother Longyan then washed Jun-Junction. To him let go, Junction Jun hesitate to self-injury to a cross on the peak. Longyan Chong was moved to hope that he defected to join the PLA. Jun-Junction to brotherhood, not only agreed to surrender, but also to help get North Springs Longyan anti-red map. Before his departure,mac brushes, he was invited to the home of red Longyan, Longyan red painful discovery that his wife Wan Shu-fen is married to the brother who actually Jun Junction. Forced Longyan washed her feelings as a sister, and entrusted Junction jun, will she and the children taken to the People's Liberation Army stationed at me settle. Unexpectedly,mac makeup wholesale, children taken away by bandits on the road. Dagger team's attention was shifted to the confrontation with the bandits, but they gradually began to feel rushed Longyan Chun and Wan Shu-fen Junction strange and unpredictable. After some probing, Longyan red sad discovery: Junction Chun self-mutilation, surrender, Tuogu some posturing, all acting. Jun-Junction three birds with one stone with the plan for elimination of political opponents, and took the opportunity to spy on the PLA's military secrets against North Springs. Longyan impulse will be counted on the meter, Jun Junction gave false information and have achieved a crucial victory. Jun frenzied Junction failure in million Shufen tied her daughter full of bombs. Shufen million to save his daughter was hit Junction Jun,mac makeup, an angry red Longyan stubborn in the end of the play into a sieve Jun-Junction. Million Shufen dying to tell Longyan red: This is your daughter.
    gunfire, I tackled the PLA North Springs.

