
Costs boost prices of domestic brands of cosmetics embarrassing collective

    Cosmetics prices from rising costs of collective
    from 2008 to 2010, the global economy had yet to recover, most cosmetics are not a large price changes, if any, price adjustment, the rate is not great. And the past is only a single brand prices, the collective price is very rare.
    industry official said: the ability to adjust the prices of cosmetic reasons for the brand in general, including rising raw material costs, labor costs and the market, and many other factors. The make-up brand of collective price increases,mac makeup, mainly from rising raw material prices, while costs, labor costs, and market factors also have a certain impact.
    also suggested that the high-end cosmetics prices, there may be due to the introduction last year of the Customs Golf balls and equipment,mac brushes, high-grade watches rate of 30%; and tobacco, cosmetics, 50% tax rate, which makes high-end cosmetics market, the prices of domestic desire strong.
    cosmetics in the current market, the consumer does not seem to price increases because of the high-end cosmetics affected too much. In a major international cosmetics brands do agent Miss Lo said: In recent years, prices have been high-end cosmetics are going up, but little effect on sales. Because these products have been able to afford is a small number of them, the dozens of pieces of prices is unacceptable.
    embarrassing domestic brands face price hikes prices of Jing Run Pearl sniper storm
    for international brands is concerned, its impact is not great prices, sales remained stable. However, for most of the walk
    a domestic cosmetics industry veteran said: promotion of increased costs and increased the burden on businesses, companies also face not a small problem.

    the other hand, uses a pearl of Beijing Run Control Terminal direct marketing model,vibram 5 fingers, saving the intermediate links, or point to self-service distributors in the form of direct supply terminals on the market, basically flat channel , making the cost much control, profit margins can be improved.

    in the current inflation, price rise situation, such as the Beijing-run pearl quality assurance in the product price has not changed much under the premise of the make-up brand is clearly popular in the market. The work of a foreign-funded enterprises in Futian CBD, said Miss Lee, had previously been purchased from foreign countries in a high-end cosmetics brand, found at the counter turned around the brand up a large portion of the price, that can not afford mental. So at a friend's recommendation and bought a bottle of Beijing Run pearl moisturizing cream, moisturizing effect is very good, with no big difference compared to the future will be to try such products and brands.
    Currently, foreign brands make up the collective prices, a few thousand dollars for a small monthly salary of white-collar workers, the rising cost of living, and income did not rise,mac makeup wholesale, the only response is to use cost-effective strategy for domestic products. So for the Pearl such as Beijing, there is no price increase profit and cost-effective in terms of higher domestic cosmetics brand, which is perhaps a good opportunity.

