
Cosmetics Market in Hubei Province of specialty stores Ashes South Royal North beggar is difficult to find in the magical powers Chu

    2007, the Chinese cosmetics franchise store development has entered a period of unprecedented prosperity: the U.S. process in Shenyang, Liaoning, Anshan, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao and set up base camp in western Liaoning 49 cosmetics chain; Hebei Baoding dominate the East Great Day, stores to 285; reaver across Sichuan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou provinces, more than 60 chain stores; Guangxi benefits of the forest has 28 stores and two distribution centers; Citistore out of Shenzhen, Guangdong, in the East China region has more than 70 wholly owned stores; Fujian Li department store chain has 39; Zhe Jiang Quanya six years grown to 16 stores, including a single store over 20 million annual turnover. Even located in the northwest Gansu Australia-Asia also reached to join network 58. Most provinces and cities nationwide cosmetics specialty stores have sprung up in the competition with high sales, large-scale and strength of the Hubei pattern is still the franchise stores separatist warlords, the defensive side, not their own cities and counties across, others are not being played in, in size and strength can not be compared with other provinces.
    saying goes, But now we have some hate the Hubei is located in the center of central China's hinterland, although the people and the advantages of both North and South, but can not be forthright with the north than in the atmosphere, and careful planning than southerners. The development of the franchise stores, and also as generous expansion of the north, the south is not as refined management. Hubei cosmetics specialty stores in almost every county has one or two relatively good, competing with each other clamp, who also can not beat each other, not absolute advantage, backyard instability makes it difficult to jump out of the house, immediate concern surrounding areas open shop. So basically do not have dozens of Hubei cosmetics chain store franchise overlord.
    the author himself is from Hubei, Hubei, said the weakness of this is to remind Hubei, a franchise store owner who had to face the reality in the future: National cosmetics specialty stores in the rapid development of Hubei is now far behind, and do not rapidly develop and grow, other provinces will face fellow cosmetic specialty stores, Not to mention the international cosmetics store giants such as Salsa, Sephora, Watson already is eyeing to complete a strategic layout of the city, the city will be gradually expanded to the second and third grade. When the
    Another point we have been foreseen, such as supermarkets, hypermarkets have entered every town, washing cosmetics specialty stores have a strong impact on commodities. Another form of supermarkets, accounting for the major cosmetics sales channels - department stores, the current county-level city in Hubei Province is not well developed, the threat of smaller specialty stores cosmetics. With the people's living standards improve, department stores, major changes will be reorganized. Wuhan is now sinking to the local mall to level cities, prefecture-level city sinking to the success of shopping malls has been a trend in cities and counties. When people shopping Shiyan, Jingmen Oriental department stores, malls Drum Xiangfan, Yichang, China World shopping mall, open to the Huanggang yellow in your county business, the turn is what kind of pressure?
    no sense of crisis in itself mean that the crisis, the franchise owners want their cosmetics in Hubei in 2008 to catch up, develop and strengthen ourselves, to keep up with the pace of development the industry. I own more than ten years in this industry, and provincial counterparts to communicate frequently with each other and channeling the door to visit, but also be familiar with the counties and cities the basic situation of cosmetic specialty stores. I started last year to create the Chinese cosmetics industry web portal cosmetics
    one, Hubei cosmetics market dominated by shopping malls and supermarkets
    across the country, the shopping malls and supermarkets cosmetics sales market accounted for the dominant position of more than 90% above the retail sales of cosmetics commercial enterprises are achieved through the two channels. Shopping is a famous brand of the highest concentration of business establishments, although very few of its stores, but the channel's total retail sales of cosmetics, cosmetics retail sales accounted for nearly half. Chaoshi hypermarket format of cosmetics sales to clean, care-oriented, there are some mid-range and medium and low skin care products, more low-cost, rapid consumption of the product features. Format cosmetics franchise stores in China the number of years there is not long before two decades, not to mention in the first dozen years before the development is not mature and counterfeit goods have been formed in the minds of some consumers do not trust the state of mind.
    many provinces and cities in secondary and tertiary markets, restructuring state-owned shopping centers, when the development of cosmetic specialty stores selling cosmetics has become the main force, stronger than the local department store or supermarket. However, in Hubei, supermarkets even in the second and third tier cities, the dominant position of the cosmetics market is still deeply entrenched, can not shake. This is a cosmetic specialty stores, and Hubei provinces and cities in the country other than the main disadvantage.
    shopping malls and supermarkets in Wuhan city aside, left to Syria later. The city's major shopping malls of the region there is still very strong, especially deep into the county or city level in the large supermarket chains such as warehousing hundred, Wu discount, Karl supermarkets, Kitayama supermarkets, RT-Mart supermarket, Fudi supermarket, large area , all varieties, strength, high-grade skin care products such as Olay, L'Oreal, mid-range skin care products such as Nivea, small and nurses, there are sales of color cosmetics such as Maybelline, washing shampoo is everything . The operation also comes with a large supermarket, fresh vegetables, mostly concentrated in the urban consumer in the supermarket. And a county in the large supermarket chains like this are more than one, the source in order to compete among the big supermarkets, do activities more frequently, the price is very low killing. In addition to these large supermarket chains, there are many local supermarkets are also involved in the regional competition, leaving the survival of cosmetic specialty stores small part of the prefecture-level cities, such as Jingmen, Bristol and Yichang in the cosmetics specialty stores in the commercial center of the lot hardly based, can only get together to avoid supermarket shopping district, opened in more remote locations.
    Hubei cosmetics specialty stores because most of the strength of the small and not enough competition in the local supermarket shopping, pick up is basically still in the drain filled, caught between the supermarket at the mall in order to survive. Some supermarkets strong counties cosmetics specialty stores have completely given up washing and household products categories.
    Second, Hubei Province, mainly engaged in branded cosmetics franchise stores
    talking about cosmetics specialty stores mainly engaged in Hubei Province, brands, brands must be mentioned that the two agents in Hubei Province - Lee marked at Wuhan Wuhan Jiaxin Chemical Co., Ltd. and Trade Development Co., Ltd.. These two agents in the province, covering almost all brands have good cosmetics business franchise stores.
    Wuhan Li marked on the proxy of the brand: Shiseido, L'Oreal, Vichy, butterfly makeup, Nivea, Neutrogena, a small nurse, Johnson & Johnson, Garnier, Cheng Ming Ming, Ting United States, special cable skin, Ding, Europe and the United posture, Auman ting, etc.; Linda Acting Company brands include: high wire, water, Chi O, poetry Beidan Man, An Shangxiu, Aoluo Fei, Qiao Di, Kay show, NEF and so on.
    the two companies have their own characteristics, marked cosmetic benefit agents of the large number of international and domestic brands, thanks to the power of brand development, and only have 117 franchise stores Shiseido, Hubei Province, all the points almost the size of Shiseido cosmetics store franchise stores. Shiseido the park's beauty, each county has two or three cosmetics store franchise. Whether the cooperation has become Hubei Shiseido cosmetics specialty stores or a good standard.
    interest standard at the history of the development can be said that the development of Hubei Province, the history of cosmetic specialty stores, a microcosm. In early 1992 I began to cooperate with the standard company benefits so far. Lee, general manager of standards at that time Mr. Chen Yunbiao have just started to do cosmetics wholesale, in Hanzhengjie rented a about a meter wide stalls, some of the major wholesale make-up in Guangzhou. I gradually began to extend to some of the then-name skin care products. At specialty stores selling cosmetics skin care brand that is Lihua wire, Arche, Yongfang, Xia Fei, Irene and other brands, the highest price will not exceed 30 yuan. And then there are some small production plant in Guangzhou powder, dressing, and lipstick, the price is very cheap. Facilitation of 1994 has its own mark on the facade of independence, began the official and brand exposure. With the increasing quality of life, consumers rely on brand recognition and increasing degree, people become more rational and calm to buy, Lee brand standard grade-level corporate agents have become more sophisticated, Hubei cosmetics franchise store sales of the brand also has been marked with the benefits come with now.
    Service well, the brand can be done to promote open franchise store owner would be dead set on standard day of profit taking followed. Chen Yun standard arm slowly increasing in multi-brand, has now reached more than 20, Shiseido, L'Oreal, Nivea, Vichy and other international brands which are listed. In this regard, his view is: brands and services to compete, mature brand can meet the increasingly sophisticated consumer demand. President Chen impact of these words Hubei cosmetics franchise owner, whenever there are international and domestic brand-name cosmetics specialty stores entered the market, specialty stores around the area to grab the brand distribution rights are scrambling to play money, fearing such a brand name into the competition shop.
    Linda is the second largest in Hubei Province on brand agents, Ms. Nie Xiaoman head of the industry as In 1993, Nie Xiaoman graduated from Zhongnan University of Finance to enter Yichang TV show host to do, learned from a friend at the mode of operation of beauty salons, she germinated the idea of ​​entrepreneurship. In 1994, Niexiao Man and friends offer a beauty salon under the Jianghan Road, 1995 the brand took Bo Sini proxy agent began her road to the Queen.
    1998, is Niexiao Man beautiful career turning point. Bo was in Guangzhou, she took over the U.S. An Shangxiu brand agent. An Shangxiu that time unknown in the country is engrossed, Niexiao Man in at the time created a team, he just made the An Shangxiu Wuhan shopping hot line brand.
    2002, the An Shangxiu shopping centers rely on the success potential of Wuhan, started cooperation with the cosmetics specialty stores. With an outstanding first-class shopping guide marketing planning and promotions, An Shangxiu cosmetics specialty stores in the province has achieved greater development, when sales exceeded 20 million yuan An Shangxiu. An Shangxiu market created a miracle in the country.
    2003, the Niexiao Man developed a multi-brand development strategy, the word Revlon have acted, high wire, Man poem Beidan brands. As of 2007, Niexiao Man has reached the hands of the 14 cosmetics brands, cosmetics specialty stores across the province are also excellent and Linda are happy to cooperate.
    order to participate in Linda's appreciation will be or when the end of the year, every venue will be participants, the session moved the process, they can feel a kind of everywhere to be respected, valued feel, feel Niexiao Man as a woman customer care and careful. The business focus is the cosmetic details, the details determine the success or failure. Focus on sales details, grasping members of management, is the co-operation of each franchise store with Linda the greatest feeling.
    , of course, excellent cosmetic agents, there are many, but in the strength and number of agency brands with the former two companies are still far from a company generally only one or two best-selling brands such as Natural Church, Po Laiya, Jing Run pearls, Jinpo Lai, white doctor, European Poetry Man, EMI, etc. True, these cosmetics brands franchised stores in Hubei have basically cooperative each county, most of Linda and Lee standard and co-operation The franchise stores also operate these domestic second-tier brands. In some regions, even beyond these brands Shiseido's sales, a strong regional brand.
    franchise store brands of these more flexible policies, the quality of the brand itself is not bad, there are certain consumer groups and keep them coming back. Another is that they focus on brand building, a lot of brands in the domestic first-line stars are invited to do the spokesperson, CCTV and provincial TV station in the ads, send staff to the cosmetics counter promotional stickers and other specialty stores. Also loved by all franchised stores. Most agents twice a year, orders will be held during the session or even launch a strong marketing programs directly to the high rebate, usually use the franchised stores ordering policies, one to six months, all cargo booked.
    Natural Church in recent years, the strong trend in Hubei, a great momentum among the domestic brands.
    three franchise stores in every area of ​​cosmetics, cosmetics specialty stores and well-known pattern of comments
    1, Wuhan --- to college students as the main source of cosmetic specialty stores
    is the commercial center of Wuhan, nine provinces, since ancient times is the business battleground. Since reform and opening to the Wuhan business into the unlimited business opportunities. Six commercial enterprises have listed. Number of large shopping malls, chain stores, specialty stores, convenience stores and other modern commercial distribution of the forms have emerged. Moore City business district Wu, Jianghan Road shopping district, Optical Valley district, in the South district, Wuhan Hanzhengjie business district and other forms of new patterns of circulation. In recent years, Dalian Wanda, Causeway Bay Department Store, Northwest Tang, Dragon Lancashire home purchases and business investment, represented by foreign groups, the layout of Wuhan, a one-stop shopping through the neighborhood and quickly cut into the professional market gold district in the form to promote the upgrade of the old shopping district of the forms. The traditional department store shopping center shopping mall group such as Wuhan, Wangfujing Department Store, New World Department Store, Zhong Shang Plaza Shopping Center, Asia Trade Plaza, Wuhan Sogo, Hanyang shopping malls, shopping centers, Plaza Luxiang among consumers still enjoys high visibility and recognition; the other hand, with the Wanda Commercial Plaza in Wuhan, Wuhan Long Temple Trade Plaza, Hanzhengjie First Avenue, in Commercial Shopping Malls and unity under construction in the city, and other new Lancashire • World composite large-scale shopping centers rise, greatly enriched the business model of Wuhan, Wuhan city commercial resources for development and urban commercial operations to enhance the level.
    such as large-scale supermarket shopping in a hundred local storage, Wu discount, the parity throughout the business district of Wuhan City and the hub of the small percentage Chaoshi is all over in all cells. Wal-Mart, Metro, Carrefour and other international giants in Wuhan, there are as many as seven, a further foreign investment Trust-Mart, big Fuyuan, Lotus and Hualian famous, a new good influx of large Wuhan How many super family, but also find it difficult to statistics. The supermarkets occupy the Wuhan City, over ninety percent of cosmetics sales.
    Wuhan City has been divided into the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River, Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang three towns, a city of about four hundred a number of cosmetic specialty stores, including nearly 300 located in Wuchang, the 300 franchise stores cosmetics The vast majority located in surrounding universities, and some have two or three a college near the cosmetics specialty stores. Their number, do not say is rare in China, I am afraid there is no such a dense world of cosmetics shop. According to statistics, the number of college students in Wuhan to 104 million and more, these small cosmetics store brand sales, mainly second and third tier brands, the threshold is low, poor decoration. Consumption was mainly targeted at college students, every winter and summer vacations to poor business, there are many shops and even with the arrival of the summer to close of business. Cosmetic specialty stores also opening the summer holidays, be regarded as a cosmetics specialty stores in Wuhan odd bar.
    has always been the commercial center of Hankou, Hankou cosmetics shop selling imported goods mainly domestic brands basically disappeared, the main step in Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, near the department stores or upscale residential district. Consumer groups and supermarkets located in the mall between the people, products sold mostly in the 100-200 yuan.
    Hanyang small supermarkets, cosmetic shops are not developed, the number of twenty or so about a small-scale, the positioning of a relationship with Hanyang.
    Wuhan, cosmetics specialty stores are relatively small, most of the shop area of ​​30 square meters or so. Wuhan local consumers to patronize the little cosmetic specialty stores, shopping malls and supermarkets is almost entirely based,mac makeup, high-end customers in the market to buy cosmetics, middle and low skin care products in the supermarkets.
    slightly with the current size of the city of Wuhan cosmetics shop is Lydia, 9 stores in 2007, now increased to 11. Lydia is a weekly feature of most college students paid to the DM in the leaflets, the development of members. In recent years, a number of second and third line brand new agent, began to try other than to regional development in Wuhan.
    is worth noting that Watson has been continuous in the city of Wuhan had seven stores, all three in Wuchang and Hankou, Hanyang one. Watson, with its abundant strength, by the public trust, Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, the number of Watsons stores stream into the store every day, several checkout line will still pay phenomenon. Sa Sa Cosmetics store in Hong Kong last two years will also rumored shop in Wuhan. Personal opinion, especially for the Wuhan University, Wuchang District, cosmetics specialty stores is the biggest threat to Watson, Watson's main objective in the Chinese mainland market locked in women aged 18 -40 years of age, especially in the age of 18 -35 year-old female fashion. Watson's brand recognition, the advantages of its own brand and
    2, the development of the province competitive pattern of cosmetic specialty stores and boutiques Comments
    2002 and previous years, Hubei province of cosmetic specialty stores benefit from the advantages of economy and per capita income and slightly better than the neighboring provinces and cities. At that time sales of cosmetic specialty stores mainly second and third line is the distribution of cosmetics products and brands. City form of competition between products is the flow of hard bargain, second and third tier brands manufacturers rely solely on product quality and promotion to a higher low.
    only Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, located in the most central Zhongxiang, 218 kilometers from the provincial capital of Wuhan, Jingmen hosted by the prefecture-level cities, the city's total population of about 100 million urban population of about 15 million. 2001 was the flourishing urban area of ​​cosmetic specialty stores, and wholesale and retail of cosmetics shops are golden apple,vibram 5 fingers, rainbow, Lantai, Yongqing, Nisshin, Golden Peony, day Tim, red lips and beautiful, according to people, the little red house more than a dozen, there are private contractors Edward counter market, non-staple food building, Central Mall, highway malls, shopping malls and other five Zhongxiang. By 2003, the center of the remaining apples make-up cosmetics specialty stores make up the city Rainbow City and two, a shopping mall in Central Asia are remaining. Other cosmetics specialty stores or a career change, or is moved to lower cost relatively remote location, several other shopping centers in the province of the big supermarkets have been replaced. The price competition is very cruel, who shop agent to a good brand, whose stores sell cheap price, you can determine the survival and death sub shop.
    2004, with the more excellent brands to enter the county or city level market, especially the promotion of the brand Shiseido store, cosmetics store franchise brands in the scramble for cosmetic specialty stores have become the same in Hubei Province competition in the mainstream of the city. Shop and store brand competition is not circulating bargain, evolved into a competition between the brand and the brand. Shiseido to open two stores after allowing a county or city, and some have only one shop in specialty stores, Shiseido brand in order to prevent competitors rushing into another shop. In the selection process of the brand, Hubei cosmetics specialty stores there are three different modes. First, grab all the brands, the store no other brand of space; second, second and third tier brands and brand half and half; third line did not get the brand, the store is all second and third tier brands. The third is basically the development of poor cosmetic specialty stores, little known in the local, the customer base has mainly low-income based.
    2004 was also the cosmetics specialty stores in Hubei Province lags behind other provinces and cities in a watershed. Crazy pursuit for the brand,mac brushes, resulting in Hubei Province, all of the cosmetic specialty stores are no longer value such as Oil of Olay, Maybelline, Nivea, Arche, and Pantene, Rejoice, Head & Shoulders and other members of the public trust in the flow of well-known brands. Provincial agencies for their own interests, demands its own brand counters must be a good place to send staff to the specialty stores posted sales counters to sell only their own brands; franchise stores in order to complete the sale, seeking an exclusive focus on the profits of sales of the brand with the sales the introduction of the brand; happens Hubei supermarkets and relatively strong. So really the largest share of the market customers are most well-known brand of cosmetic specialty stores by our ceding the mall supermarket. And looking at doing a large scale domestic cosmetics franchise stores, sales of well-known brands in circulation accounted for 50% of the entire store sales of about benefits of the forest in Guangxi is reached 70%. The reason is the flow of circulation brand well-known brands, rely on is the high price to win the favor of consumers. Indifference on the flow of well-known brands of cosmetics specialty stores Hubei provinces the main reason behind the other.
    leader in the cosmetics store franchise known as the martial arts character Huashan Mountain, Hubei, no one can be compared with them, as described in the article title Seeking the supernatural.
    Hubei Province, cosmetics specialty stores are small single-store, usually in the 40-80 square meters, over 100 square meters of shop is relatively small. Mainstream-store sales day in 4000 or so, to achieve a single store selling only a handful of daily million, excluding the province of Wuhan City combined will not exceed 20. Generally speaking, each county has a better development of two stores, the shop is mainly a second-tier brands and a few third-line brand management stable. There are many other stores did not take first-or second-tier brands, the shop is completely three-wire products, and cosmetics specialty stores as early family-run shop, in addition to his wife and relatives outside the small shop owners to employ workers, shop sales day one or two thousand dollars.
    relatively good news is that there are some shops in recent years, Hubei, the development of faster, began chain operations and large-scale operations. The rapid development of franchise stores in the competition mode of development with different features, both within a city there is little competition in store by the same mode of operation, the development of a model shop in another city can be found in similar mode.
    Yellowstone's two main commercial streets of the city, just a hundred meters away from a total of six beautiful time in cosmetics stores. Boss Chen Yong, leaving a flowing long hair, looks very artsy person, but he told you, as long as there are two streets facade transfer or lease, he would not hesitate to pre-empt the next to open cosmetic store , do not leave any opportunity for others to compete with him.
    Revitalizing Southeast Hubei's dream of space and gold makeup, a total of more than twenty, each county has two Golden Dream Revitalizing space and makeup, which is basically the brand is different, and even the same shop signs of the pendulum is not the same goods. Looks like the competition between the two bosses, in fact, this is a man open, the boss is Jin-Lin and Wu Mengjun couples. Even walking the streets of Wuhan Optics Valley Revitalizing space and the Golden Dream makeup, are also the couple.
    two somewhat similar to the practice cosmetic specialty stores, its remaining space and the brand to others to compete with me, as I am the first to rent the facade, the introduction of the brand, its competition with their own.
    Jingzhou Revitalizing space and Vivian make their own six stores, and are not far apart, almost wrapped around competition, but the relationship between two very good boss. In addition to all operating Shiseido brand, other products targeting different. Revitalizing space is only an international brand, and most are made from the benefits of scale on the right to operate. Linda Vivian's make-up brand in addition, there are really a hundred-and second-tier brands in Europe Poetry Man, two stores are very good business.
    and Jingzhou in a similar situation was also Enshi Salsa and Lisa, Sarah take the high road, and Lisa both second and third tier brands, the two store brands are almost no overlap. This competition is somewhat similar to complementary competition, competition could benefit both sides.
    Xiaogan somewhat special situation in Hubei, Xiaogan the supermarkets not very strong, time Yingying two cosmetics shops galleries and close to, love find two areas with the color cosmetics shops are also close by, and also is a two hundred square meters of large stores, business all came good. Time Gallery and Yingying is Shiseido's stores, love the color sum of the main sales area is the second and third tier brands. Twenty-two combination of these four stores, had become a get together and effect, other people do not dare to open cosmetic store.
    Hubei also a rather special mode of competition, apples make-up City chain, in addition to the two places in the city Zhongxiang and Jingshan have an image outside the shop, in Zhongxiang City, Jingshan County and Forty Shayang County a number of township branches. Golden Apple make the city started in 1997 towns in the wholesale, and local cosmetics shop in every town and alliance with the township and other cosmetics store supermarket competition, not only defeat the supermarket towns and townships through the appropriate Promotional models and membership management system, all stores business better than before. Some towns do not want to cooperate, headquarters to encourage workers to return home shop shop, all the initial expenses borne by the head office, after the transfer of money to them, through this model, and soon most of the towns in two counties have a branch, and all done in two local towns within three months of the first. October 2007, in order to solve the logistics and distribution, apples make-up set up an office in Wuhan City chain, started to join the province's rural investment. Through group purchasing, lower purchase costs, more favorable to the manufacturers for promotions and incentives.
    supermarkets and shopping malls in the city to avoid the Red Sea battle, turn toward the vast blue ocean market towns, apples make up the city can be considered inventive.
    four specialty stores in Hubei cosmetics trends
    1, chain
    cosmetics specialty stores in Hubei Province after June of 2007, almost every shop Party bosses have heard such and such a city has opened a new store in their own message. Beautiful Yellowstone fired two days before the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year and then open a. In addition to the local Hanchuan Yong opened a second store, under far to the Enshi county opened a shop in Icheon. Has been like a domino chain as boot up. 2008 Hubei cosmetics specialty stores in each city will start a new round of reshuffle enclosure, brand competition, competition in the entire store will be more intense. Will likely generate more strength and size on the quality of cosmetics franchise chain stores,
    2, exclusive agent
    2006 some cosmetic specialty stores began to take the brand owner to do exclusive distribution agent province or territory, control of the brand's voice, greater profit margins. For possible future cross-regional shop basis.
    3, the regional alliance
    Shiyan and Xiangfan, dozens of cosmetic specialty stores have formed a regional alliance, brand agents in negotiations with the centralized purchasing, discounts and gifts from the greater benefits. Shiyan and Xiangfan regional alliances may be extended to the periphery, specialty stores and agents will be more negotiations between the brands started. May be set aside even agents negotiate directly with manufacturers enjoyed a regional agency policy.
    4, strategic alliance
    basis with regional alliance, three to five years might produce a closer cooperation in strategic alliances, the formation of a voluntary joining of the chain, brand adjustment agreement, purchase channels, the same discount, the same decoration, share a name. In the capital, brand, management and other aspects of comprehensive cooperation, mutual support, so that strategic alliances are becoming the most powerful local stores, to effectively prevent the entry of other foreign franchised stores.
    five cosmetic specialty stores restrict the development of Hubei Province, several factors
    1,mac makeup wholesale, capital bottleneck
    facade is now rarely available for rent, even if there are Most are not business district, Hubei Province, more and more high transfer fee facade, some parts of the facade of a transfer fee of 50 square meters of even up to 50 million. Even in the county-level city, a 30 square meters of shop are 10 million transfer fee. Decoration is also a lot of money with the opening of capital. If you can not solve this problem, blind expansion, once the capital chain scission, the consequences could be disastrous.
    2, brand monopoly
    selling brand in the shop, other cities and counties had already been signed agent, brand agents would not risk the termination of support for your store with others cooperation. Successful experiences and models in particular, the brand can not be copied, linked to inter-regional development is no longer possible. Brand agency is resources, Hubei Province, cosmetics specialty stores now have missed a good opportunity, would like to expand the scale has been difficult to engage in cross-regional sales.
    3, lack of personnel
    Hubei Province, the vast majority of cosmetics specialty stores are owner personally responsible for his wife, did not attach importance to personnel training. Some of the development of chain stores are mostly franchised cronyism, there is no mechanism to establish and improve the talent pool. Even if determined to have the financial resources to open more stores, but also lack the talent.
    4, the concept of the old
    Hubei cosmetics specialty stores can not be with a single-store sales, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, northeast and coastal areas, and Henan and Sichuan are very large compared to the gap . Most important is the owner of the concept behind the short-sighted, content with, lazy. Some bosses think they one-third acre in his strongest ground is the biggest day of selling thirty-five thousand dollars that is extraordinary. . Do not pay attention to the sale of brand-name products, standard low-cost but not marketing, to the customer to recommend high-margin products blasted. Lead to serious loss of customers, the customer into the supermarket.
    5, backward management
    most of the shopkeepers there is no corresponding rules and regulations, management depends entirely upon the owner of personal wishes. Wage incentive system for the lucrative high-margin products promise to commission, brand name and circulation of products is completely do not give commission. Little useful software for inventory management, staff payroll and customer membership management.
    six, peer-to Hubei Province, the recommendations of cosmetic specialty stores
    1, learn other provinces and cities experience good cosmetic specialty stores
    learn other provinces and excellent cosmetic the experience of franchise shops, do not just stand watching other people shop decoration, see displays, watch brand, watch sales, the most important and the owner is able to sit down and exchange ideas. The most important business ideas and management methods, to use empty bottles of mind to learn the advanced experience of others.
    2, learning new marketing management knowledge
    advanced experience of others is also obtained through the study, and only know the experience of others and without innovation, it is just a simple imitation. Imitation do not know the truth, will be made to draw a tiger not a like a dog.
    3, using the Internet to learn
    can chat online is not just playing the game, there are many professional websites, there are a lot of the latest information and knowledge, new product investment, a product appears quality problems, as well as the latest marketing methods or promotional gifts. Homes in the forum where you can walk to the country's elite consult with the industry to communicate with each other.
    4, cosmetic specialty stores, there is another form, called cosmetic shop
    IResearch and Asia, according to the largest retail shopping district Taobao joint research, in 2007 the whole years, the total turnover of China's online shopping market reached 59.4 billion yuan, and in 2006 the total turnover of 31.2 billion yuan, an increase of 90.4%. Taobao's turnover which only reached 43.3 billion yuan, achieving a 156% growth, far more than Carrefour, the United States and other growth of any of the traditional retail giants.
    Avon cosmetics retail giant in China, in 2005, has the largest number of stores - 6,000, 74% of towns across the country, annual sales reached 17 billion yuan; in 2007, only Taobao cosmetics sales amounted to 2.6 billion.
    in accordance with the average annual growth rate in recent years and the geometric growth of online shopping, at the latest by 2012, China's online shopping market is expected to exceed one trillion yuan mark.
    above data taken from the Ministry of Commerce, Taobao, Alipay's

